
Showing posts from 2016

Evolution Of This Music We Call Hip Hip---AGREE Or DISAGREE?

Article Written By Guest Author A. Salter- Newell and Co-produced by Dj Tuc .. Most wouldn’t believe all the different stylistic origins, derivative forms, fusion genres, and sub-genres of Hip Hop that exist today.   We like to put Hip Hop in a decade chunk order, starting around the era of Kurtis Blow’s “T he Breaks ” and slam on a cherry of D.R.A.M.’s “ Broccoli ”. As a product of the year of 1990, I can safely say there’s a great deal of head scratching if you are not open minded about the speeding Hip Hop muscle car that’s pounding its way through the bricks of steady molding and change.         Rapper D.R.A.M. “ Change ” isn’t a word that most people really look forward to being associated with Hip Hop now. Personally I love the constant jerking around of the ARTIST perspective in the studio. The Andy Warhols. The Picassos. ( Though it may seem as though Jay Z sees himself as just and only that ). The Van Goghs....

Skully and Killz ---- Named Two Out Of 20 Hot Artist To Lookout For in The State Of S.C.

Skully of J.M.E. (Jugg Money Entertainment) A.N.D./Los Anderson trap rappers Killz and Skully noted as two of S.C.’s top recording artist to lookout for on a list of twenty artists in the whole state according to the blog site . This is a major achievement that was quietly released back in September that should have been celebrated here in the city more prominently in the entertainment community.   But then again that’s why I saw fit, to create this site to help highlight and augment such notable moments on the local music scene here in Anderson that seem to fly a lot of times under the radar.   Anyone who’s knows me will tell you I’m a tru-skool era 90’s Dj  ( meaning the turntable vinyl era before Serato ) but just with a healthy appreciation for certain millennial local artist, because I came from the same grind cloth, but as I'm sure you know, just a different style of music. I don’t condone all the messages in modern day trap/band...

The Creepy Movie Promo- - -featuring Da. A.N.D. Representa

The Creepy Promo from Derrick Diamond on Vimeo .

Meet ILL GATES The "Microsoft Paper" Renaissance-Man Of A.N.D. Hip Hop..

 There are those of us here in the A.N.D . who have grew up musically in the golden era of the hip-hip, remembering the glory days of the skilled emcee accompanied with boom bap drum tracks with a unique chopped soul sample or two here and there. On the latest album release of ILL Gates entitled “ Microsoft Paper ’’, with this fourteen track expose’ ILL offers a nice reminiscent yet balanced mixture of the retro sound of true skool hip-hop minced with a pinch of today’s contemporary radio sound of rap. ILL Gates Microsoft Paper Album Cover.. Chadric Wardlaw aka ILL Gates is by no means a new jack on the A.N.D. hip-hop scene, he’s been spitting dope lyrics from as early as the year 2K, continuously representing the city’s Westside for years along with fellow West coast veteran emcees like Nimrod , Doc Webb , and Gheechi Black . ILL has in my opinion during his lengthy rap career been somewhat overshadowed, not due to skill but by his firm conviction not to sell-out h...

P&W Film Productions:- - - Set To Host Huge Upstate Film Screening Featuring Hollywood Celebs!!!!

Recently a News Promo piece was aired on WYFF Channel 4 here in the upstate( video below ) which featured two prominent businessmen whom hail from Anderson, SC. Here in Da A.N.D. they really need no introduction if you are already a frequent visitor of this site. But If not the company is known as P&W Film Productions ( Pond & Wideman ) and it's spear-headed by one Landrick Pond aka " Prafessa " and two Anthony Wideman .  Both brothers have been extensively high-lighted on my site, if this is your first time surfing over at djtuc999 urban Voice of da A.N.D.. So when I saw the news promo of the upcoming film screening via Facebook I had to help support it no doubt. NOW HERE"S  A BIT OF INSIDE BASEBALL below. " Hollywood Actress Patti D'arbanville will be attending The UPSTATE FILM SCREENING "...  " Notorious" 730, "Barbershop 3" & "All Eyez On Me" actor Jamal Woolard will be At the UPSTATE FILM SCREENI...

The Conscious Awaking Of A. Salter--- Based On a True Story Of One Woman From The A.N.D.

Author and Inspired Freelance Writer A. Salter .. On the morning of July 18 th , 2016 , I woke up to a text from DJ Tuc sharing a new post from freelance writer Lady Yaz. Interestingly enough, I had prayed for God to show me the way on pursuing a career in Hip Hop the night before.  “ She’s there, ready and waiting on you to really know who you are, so she can emerge from the depths of your spirit and ROAR like never before !  Once you find your roar, don’t allow anything to take it away from you! ” a quote taken and repeated once more in this post I share with you for women of today’s society. “Okay………” I said to myself, ( But really to God ). “A bit literal, but to the point. It is a step to being a voice in the hip hop community” I read the post again, and decided, I needed to speak up.  From the time we are little girls , developing into young women, we are adorned in revolving femininity and domesticated roles to fill. We are constantly pl...

Da A.N.D.'s Dj Nic --- Makes Special Guest Appearance On Friday Nite Blitz!!!

Dj Nic aka Mr. Electric City Spinning On The 1's & 2's downtown in Da A.N.D. at 134.. Props Goes Out To Dj Nic for continuously working on his Dj Grind here in the city and most importantly showing support and love for my site. So once again I give it back to this brother. Peace the A.N.D. Representa aka Dj Tuc.. Dj Tuc is a well known legendary respected ground breaking dj, producer, promoter, remixologist, writer, freelance photographer, emcee,businessman from the city of Anderson,SC and is the founder and publisher of the website and djtuc999 the mobile apps which are available on Google Play  and the Apple app store. Dj Nic Makes Guest Appearance On Foxcarolina from Derrick Diamond on Vimeo .

"The Next Level Is Staying Fit" -- Check The Video!!

Just trying to stay fit folks and share the importance of it with all who visit my site. No matter who you are, are what you do, never under-estimate the value of living clean and taking care of your health. The root word of health is " Heal " that's a few of the secrets to longevity so let's not be reactive but proactive think on that..Peace Out Da A.N.D. Representa .. DISCLAIMER : Please note that I am not a medical physician  of any type so please check with your doctor before you begin any type of physical workout with weights,punching bags,dumb bells etc. I shouldn't have to say this but you know some people now-a-days. I just did this video to perhaps bring awareness to those who may visit my site in hopes to inspire or motivate those who have been contemplating or may have been on the fence about working out. At the end of the day its all about how you feel about yourself and what you're comfortable with.. Use common sense and be smart about anythi...

Behind The Scenes In Da A.N.D. ft. Dj Flea and Dj Scientist

I'm posting this footage I shot last month from Dj Flea's Annual Birthday Bash , I think it exemplifies the comradery between most Dj's here in the A.N.D. Not all but most so let me be clear on that!!   Dj Scientist is originally from Greenwood, SC aka the emerald city not Anderson yet  we have always had a healthy respect for one another since debuting  myself and Cool Chuck as recording artist on his Saturday Nite ( Street Jamz Mix Show ) around 1998 during his tenure at 107.3 Jamz as their go to jock back then. When Robb Laid-Back was a huge popular radio personality gracing the airwaves then for those who can remember. The 98/99 Street Jamz Official  INtro Mix for 1073 JMZ featuring myself and Cool Chuck Below Classic fosho .. If you cannot see the audio controls, listen/download the audio file here Dj Flea whom I regard as one of the most down to earth, most improved, funniest, never ego tripping ( yes there are Dj's in Ander...

Back To School 2016 --- Featuring Singer T-Lemons and Da A.N.D. Representa

This years annual   Back to School   " Shop Til You Drop " extravaganza keeps getting bigger and better every-time around that I've hosted it. This year they up-ed the ante with live entertainment presented by the Southern Wesleyan University Singers , Clemson University Alpha Phi Alpha fraternity and the infamous Omega Psi Phi Fraternity aka the Que Dawgs .  All the college frat chapters in attendance did a spectacular job representing their school performing live step shows for a huge enthusiastic crowd inside the Central Walmart. 95.3 own DJ Fresh dropped all the latest hits from the one's and two's and I put on my emcee ( M.C. Master Of Ceremony ) hat as I am known to do at times while keeping the crowd laughing and hype as I raffled off many prizes.  I would like to Thank all the staff and especially the Deli crew at the Central Walmart because every year that I've hosted it, they have taken good care of us ( Fresh and I ) with free food and drink...

Dj T-Rock - - -Proves Why He's A One Of a Kind Dj In The A.N.D....MUST SEE VIDEO!!!

Dj T-Rock is what I would call a freak of nature when referring to him as a disc jockey( which he is by definition ) but he has always pushed the boundaries as an entertainer beyond that title. What I mean is how many guys that call themselves dj's but can only specialize in one specific style and or genre? Very few! Now if I throw in how many can mix records and grab a mic while in the middle of their set and wake-up a seemingly dead audience with their voice? It becomes even fewer! Now let's throw-in how many dj's can hit the dance floor to kick off a lack luster lethargic party vibe then transform it into a concert atmosphere? I don't know about dj's in other cities but the picking are slim to none here in the A.N.D. Except Dj T-Rock!!   Dj T-Rock and his sister Kim .. What alot of people forget especially, this new crop of millennia Dj's and most were never taught I suspect. Is that a [Dj sub-planted a band ] on stage in the early years of hi...

Message From Lady Yaz To All Women---Don't Ever Lose Your Roar!!!

Lady Yaz freelance contributing Editor..  Ladies, so many of us are so busy with the cares of everyday life: the concerns of marriage, the caring of our children, our education, other goals, and our passion, that we forget to truly find our inner roar.  We sometimes end up forgetting about ourselves pertaining to what we desire or what we truly want out of life.  Sometimes we lose ourselves within everyone’s desire or purpose for themselves. Queens, this truly has to end!   Please hear me…there’s nothing wrong with being there for our families, businesses, our friends, and loved ones, but you must take time out to find yourselves.  You need to find your place and inner roar in this world.  You matter and you have so much to offer and bring to the table.  In other words, you must find time to mold and shape the gifts within you that you can share with the world. The Egyptian Goddess Sekhmet representing the femi-nine ...

Pop Music Sensation Macklemore---Weighs In On The Alton Sterling Shooting!!

 Macklemore has always been outspoken about his ideals on racism. In the past, he has identified his own white privilege and called out celebrities, such as Iggy Azalea , for cultural appropriation. Most recently, the “Same Love” rapper chose to speak up about the death of Alton Sterling, a Baton Rouge man shot by two Louisiana police officers. Read what Mr. Macklemore's thoughts were on this polarizing  event captured from his instagram... Click on Pic to enlarge. Macklemore blames what happened to Sterling on what he refers to as “hundreds of years of conditioning.” “We have been told our entire lives that people that look like Alton Sterling, selling CD’s outside of a store, are a threat to our society,” Macklemore says. “The news, TV, movies, jails, history books, schools and our laws all uphold this false belief. A person isn’t born fearing someone because of the color of their skin. This fear is taught, crafted and instilled in the fabri...

The Legend Of A Gone But Not Forgotten Shirt King In The A.N.D.--- A Tribute To Tommy L. Jackson

Just a week ago I learned of some very disheartening news by phone about a friend of mine of whom which I profoundly respected many years ago and regardless of his untimely passing, I will always revere him.   One thing I have come to realize as I have gotten older is that most of us{ people in general } seem to never miss the water until after the proverbial well has run dry , we all have heard that phrase at one time or another. We wish to express things after the fact, meaning after a loved one or close friend whom may have made their transition, before we were given a chance to let them know personally the affect they had upon us and the difference they made personally in our life and the rest of the world. Classic Tommy with his humorous personality always on display. This is not just another typical article that I’m penning, but somewhat of an up close and personal revelation of how the late brother Tommy L. Jackson affected my life from the first time we m...