
Showing posts from March, 2019

AIN'T NO STOPPING ---Them iROCK-ing Dj's In da A.N.D.

L-R Dj Flame, Dj Flea, Dj Valentino, Dj SirDave My Layoff Intro .. Just getting back into the swing of things as the chief writer publisher of my own website for the brand-new year, so please allow me to explain briefly the layoff everyone. I’ve really experienced an uptick within the second phase of my two-decade long career, within the last several months as Dj Tuc the official Deejay for the RVC ( Red Velvet CafĂ© ) partnering with Kevin Norris and Dj Tuc the businessman also known as da A.N.D. Representa. Adding to my overall stacked plate,  are other prominent endeavors and personal obligations behind the scenes that I simply don’t talk about. Most folks in my inner circle personally affiliated with me are familiar with my body of work in many different ways, name, reputation, producer, pc repair or brand within the urban entertainment sector of the city of Anderson South Carolina. Many of the younger generation not familiar with me are even finding out about ...