This Female Vocalist Proves Anderson Still Has So Much Untapped Talent. (Year End Exclusive)

How time fly’s folks and so many things change in a year or as I have coined the phrase “ old schoolers get old, but true schoolers just get better with age .” Another, twelve-month calendar year will soon be coming to a close in just under a week, but before it does I’d like to direct your attention to a young, bright and talented young woman from the A.N.D. ( city of Anderson ) that flew underneath the radar this year. Her name is Kerri Simmons and she is a proud graduate of the University of South Carolina of whom at present currently resides in the metro-Atlanta area. She is the prodigy daughter of Bernard Simmons and Cassandra Ford and I’ve personally observe her gradually come into her own over the years as most millennial's often do during this learning experiment we refer to as life. It is imperative that we intelligent grown folks seek to encourage our youth who are attempting to pursue their dreams. We never can gauge how the right positive words,...