When Culture and Good Music Collide---An Unforgettable Birthday Celebration is Born!!

Last weekend while most college football fans were getting together for one of the biggest college games of the year here in the upstate of South Carolina. Yeap you got it, The Clemson Tigers vs. the Carolina Game Cocks went down in Clemson, S.C. What most don't know is I'm a Carolina fan whether it be the Game Cocks or Panthers. But I'm not a fanatic ( fan-addict, addicted, addiction ) as you can plainly see it right there in the word but that's a side issue. Being absent minded that day I received a phone call reminding me that traffic would be heavy due to Saturdays game day traffic. But all would end up just dandy little did I know before the evening would end thinking only at that moment about the dreaded bumper to bumper traffic. Making my way through the city of purple and orange with tiger paws laced on almost every other vehicle on the road that day, I patiently waded through heavy traffic on my way to Seneca, SC. to play a surprise birthday...