The Influence Of The Influential--The Most Prolific Political Prisoner You Never Heard Of"
Afrika Baambaataa and 21 Savage Disclaimer: Originally posted by DailyLiveNews 4-5-19 Re-published under the freedom of information Act, in hopes to uplift, inform, educate, inspire & empower readers of djtuc999 on the noble works of this unsung political prisoner. Rapping and hip-hop have become cultures that were grew and developed out of the mean streets of the South Bronx in the 1970s’. Would Rap and Hip Hop it be considered a cult? People follow what the rappers say and do, and how they dress and talk, actually when you break down the word culture you have the word cult within it. Now that millions follow these rap artists closely, and the music is now overlapping popular society, it would probably be considered more of a pop cult or pop culture. There have been some very influential artists, musicians, teachers, authors, and figures who have helped promote and shape the culture of rap and hip-hop, the names go on and on but one of its major...