MsRKayBee: Cracks The A.N.D. Poetry C.O.D.E with a Cypher!!! " MUST SEE VIDEO"
MsRkayBee Productions is really doing it big and this time around is no different. She brings beauty, brains, and positivity to the A.N.D. from a femi-nine- womanly perspective. Introducing the “ Poetry Cypher ” which is months old but the messages are forever relevant thus again moved me to support. Thanks and a crazy madd shout to Ricos for bringing it to my attention. These type brothers are sorely needed because music is art and rap in its essence is poetry whether negative or positive. The media tends to portray a lot of young black men especially rappers in a negative light most times, we have all seen it and heard it in some form or shape. Now all you men put your over inflated ego’s aside and give props where props are due once again to Ms Ki Ki for her instrumental role behind the camera and her professional editing skills. She brings forth four talented spoken word poets (men) from the city to the spotlight, who are witty, intelligent, articulate, ...