Delta Sigma Theta and Que's Coming to the "A" this Week....
The " Delta's" and the "Que Dogs " are coming to the A.N.D. this week yall for their annual back to school college jump off. Where at you say? At none other than the Hottest Spot in the City blowing up on Clemson boulevard that's right " Break Time ". Chris Blanding the owner & his staff welcomes all the alumni from tiger town, they are looking forward to meeting and greeting each and everyone ( all those Tiger Fans ) for selecting " Break Time " to host this major coveted event sponsored by these popular Frats & Sororities...It will jumping off on Friday Nite Aug,24 2012 to all who plan to attend get there early this will be a standing room only event folks.......BTW " College Nights " will be starting this fall uptown, for details click on the events page...Peace & Love to all my Delta "Sweet Hearts" I used to date one so I speak from personal experience people..I'm Out, da A.N.D. Representa!!!