
Showing posts from February, 2017

Huge Go Ladies Tribute---Jazz Singer Loretta Holloway Makes The Cover of Local Magazine..

Her Classy Cover Photo Due to the fact of it being Black History Month or African American History and Culture Month , whichever you personally choose to observe. I felt it my duty as an African American male journalist, editor, businessman, webmaster, blogger and long standing staple of the entertainment community here in the city of Anderson, to help pay tribute, celebrate, and augment the locally grown achievements of the beautiful and talented lady of song Ms. Loretta Holloway . In my opinion whether planned haphazardly or not it couldn’t have been better timing than in the month of the January/February edition of Anderson Magazine for this amazing local icon to grace their cover. As I find myself evolving more and more every year I continue to stand in awe of strong enterprising women whom have risen to incredible heights of success in-spite of seemingly insurmountable odds.   Naturally this Belton resident is an empowering role model for wome...

9 Things NOT To Do On a First Date--Confessions From An Honest Woman!! (Lady Yaz Exculsive)

  Forewords: Written By Lady Yaz & executively produced by Dj Tuc Since I've been divorced, I have been on a few dates. Some have been great and some have been not so great.  Because of these experiences, I felt the need to encourage my brothers and sisters, and give a few pointers on what NOT to do when you are on a date with the opposite sex.  Now, here's my disclaimer. This article is not to bash men or women in any way. We all know that men and women are not perfect by any means. We also know that because of various circumstances, many may not know how to act on a first here are some suggestions to help you: 1.  Everyone is not the "One" .   Many of us desire to be loved and appreciated, but please hear me: just because you have a great conversation and you sound like a great candidate for a relationship...doesn't mean he or she is the one you are intended for you to be with.  We hav...