THE FOG---More Than Just Your Average Hookah Lounge!

The F.O.G . aka the Fog Lounge and Hookah Bar is becoming a serious night-life competitor among the rest of downtown Anderson’s elite entertainment establishments. The heat is on , and it appears the competition is running neck and neck placing their bid for your weekend party dollars. I mean literally neck and neck or step in step, due to the fact that this qazi-urban hookah dance bar is downtown 134-North Main St adjacent to the entrance of Club 134 which is located above and I’m guessing less than fifty-feet away from Johnny Angells another similar establishment which is an alternate hot-spot within walking distance. I penned a very favorable article months back about Johnny Angells , if you would like to read my review on that establishment simply use the search bar on this site and type in the name but I digress. Dj Nic as I can recall happened to be the jock that put me on notice about its burgeoning transition, from jus...