Rah EastWood is definitely " The One to Watch" Artist Spot Light
Check this Out yall I was at Onpoint last night performing one of my favorite weekend rituals, you know chopping it up with the fellas while awaiting my turn to get a fresh hair cut to end the week. As in most barbershops around the city this is a place to come relax for a moment and talk about politcs, religion, sports, music and of course the lastest neighbor hood haps. Onpoint is not your average barbershop tho let me explain. It doubles as a studio too so this is the perfect environment for me to kill some time when waiting for a trim. Playing some local music off my site (as I always do) I find is a kool way to give a lot of people some exposure to the different A.N.D. music flavors. To make a long story short everyone is bobbing to the sound of the tracks blasting in the background and one brother by the name of Ced mentions to me and says" Tuc you gotta have Rah Eastwood up on the site & have you heard of him "! I replied I hear alot about this kat and that I fir...