The Daddy Denominator..Fact or Fiction? YOU DECIDE!

Op-Ed Written By: Guest Editor Simply Sisireia & republished By One man, five women and seven children . Doesn’t seem real , but it is and it is more common than you may think. This is something that has become somewhat of an epidemic, especially within the black community; multiple women sharing children by the same man. What’s more important sometimes in these situations, is the fact that the children suffer the most. Sometimes the adults are so selfish that they neglect the most precious and undoubtedly the most positive things to come out of these situations, the children. Children Are The Future. Yours and Mine.. I want to speak to women that may be in these situations. Specifically I want to say, Stop depriving your children of relationships with their siblings because you are angry with the way things turned out between you and their father. So things didn’t work out, that’s no reason...