Huge Event Coming up for Labor Day Weekend in the A.N.D...

I am proud to announce the city's 1st annual '' A.N.D.'s MOST WANTED MOVERS & SHAKERS LABOR DAY WEEKEND EVENT . To my knowledge this will be another unprecedented event here on Labor Day weekend here in the A.N.D.. We will pay homage to a lot of well known talent in the city as well as some very little known movers & shakers who rarely get there just due to shine. We have had much popping off here in the city this year so it is my wish for everyone to come out, get together have fun drama free, relax your mind, let your conscious be free, as we celebrate the achievements of maybe some of your friends,relatives and perhaps family members from around Anderson county. The sponsors of this website ( ) & Break Time have a lot on deck for this guaranteed pack out event. Take a glance over the promo flyer below and you will see a flash of whats going down on 8-31-13 in the upper uptown district of the city. My long time Dj f...