Pop Music Sensation Macklemore---Weighs In On The Alton Sterling Shooting!!

 Macklemore has always been outspoken about his ideals on racism. In the past, he has identified his own white privilege and called out celebrities, such as Iggy Azalea, for cultural appropriation.
Most recently, the “Same Love” rapper chose to speak up about the death of Alton Sterling, a Baton Rouge man shot by two Louisiana police officers.

Read what Mr. Macklemore's thoughts were on this polarizing  event captured from his instagram...
Click on Pic to enlarge.

Macklemore blames what happened to Sterling on what he refers to as “hundreds of years of conditioning.” “We have been told our entire lives that people that look like Alton Sterling, selling CD’s outside of a store, are a threat to our society,” Macklemore says. “The news, TV, movies, jails, history books, schools and our laws all uphold this false belief. A person isn’t born fearing someone because of the color of their skin. This fear is taught, crafted and instilled in the fabric of our American lives.”
What does the “White Privilege II” rapper believe will end injustice and senseless death? “The systematic oppression that enables a murder like this will be corrected once white people care enough to change it,” Macklemore says.

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