Another A.N.D. Diva Salute- - - GO LADIES!!!

Anderson native Kimberly McDaniel (pictured on the right) this past fall was featured along side the super-talented actress and R&B soul songstress Jill Scott. The event was hosted by Charlotte’s Urban Adult Contemporary station  V 101.9 FM based in Gastonia.. Kimmy as I refer to her at times is a proud A.N.D. native and a good friend of whom I’ve known since my early middle school years here growing up in the city of Anderson. I was extremely over joyed for her when she shared the fantastic news with me semi-reluctantly (not one to toot her own horn) by phone adding to the intrigue with a dash of suspense as I recollect. She said “ you won’t believe who I’m pictured with on the V 101 website as of today”?

 She didn’t tell me initially of course (building the suspense LOL) but suggested I surf over to the V101 site and afterward call her back. Following her instructions I promptly called her back and we both shared a good laugh because I replied “I would have never guessed you were hanging out with Jill Scott” you got me! Many reading this may ask why is Tuc sharing this? My reason is simple, because it’s hard to find people in this life that will support positive undertakings, and show it by their actions other than just paying lip service. Kimmy is just that, a sincere sista who supports what I do, without expecting any self motivated returns. Hard to find proverbial needles amongst the envious hay stacks of well wishing down-low smile in your face haters. Yes she and I both know and realize  it comes with the territory.  But we still keep it positive nonetheless.

Kim celebrating with Kelly Mac at one of the Mid-Day Mommies annual Birthday Bashes.

It’s not about the cloths one wears nor the car they profess to drive, its about the substance they possess and the direction they are traveling. As most of us reading this have heard many times over,”Real recognize Real” and Kim never forgets about her roots and definitely knows the real from the rest. Though she’s been known to frequent high profile events in tandem with the Mid-Day Mommie aka Kelly Mac of 1073 Jmz. She continues to stay down to earth and remains humble in most all of her undertakings, so I know many wonderful things await a good soul like hers in the immediate future.

Hanging out with Jill Scott is just warm up material for this home grown A.N.D. diva. Hey Kimmy hope I didn’t reveal to many embarrassing details, my intent was merely to celebrate you in addition to showing my gratitude and immense respect for you by sharing this one small experience with the rest of the city.

 Best Regards, I Salute real men and women making a difference such as yourself from Anderson!

...Dj Tuc, Da A.N.D. Representa


  1. It's good to have a female representing Anderson in such a positive light because so many good accomplished women never get noted for anything good all I see is dem ratchet ones on FB.(lmao) Glad to have found this site. Michelle F.

  2. Didn't know we got females from A.N.D.Dat look so damn classy gettin it in like dat & chill wit Kelly Mac. Dats what's sup!!!

  3. Fo sho and your welcome, Kim is a good friend of mine and shes an intelligent classy sista from Anderson I felt that should be spotlighted. Kelly Mac is Kool people also & I thank her so much for keeping my voice in rotation on her mid-day show for months now. Peace Out Tuc

  4. I be damn!!!Now them sum grown & sexy women right there..

  5. Kim and Kelly Mac really look gorgeous in those pictures Tuc and what's funny is I remember her from back in the day & it just occurred to me she is from Anderson's eastside. Superb article my brother. Ms Kathy J representing on your site baby!!!!!!

  6. Word Up Kathy (that's old skool for "fo-sho" ha!ha!) Thanks for checking the site out tho and don't forget to try the app baby gurl!!

  7. I think I've seen her at a Black Party in Greenville before she seems to be a woman worthy of those kind words.


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